Three Potential Causes of Toothaches
When you have a toothache, chances are your mind immediately starts wondering what on earth could be wrong. Unfortunately, a generic toothache is difficult to find the answer to without a physical examination. However, if you have a toothache, there's a good chance that it's due to one of these three common causes of toothaches. Grinding Tooth grinding is perhaps the most benign cause on this list — but it is not entirely without danger.
Why You Should Replace A Missing Tooth
Whether you're missing a tooth due to extraction, decay, gum disease, or trauma, it's important to replace missing teeth as soon as you can. Having a gap in your smile can lead to self-confidence issues. Missing a tooth or several teeth isn't just a cosmetic issue, however. Leaving a space in your mouth where there should be a tooth can cause other dental and health problems. Bone Loss When you chew, the force on the crowns of your teeth travels down the roots and into your jawbone, stimulating the bone and keeping it healthy.
4 Aftercare Tips For Dental Implants
Dental implants can be used to restore teeth that are missing. They can prevent jawbone erosion and allow you to recover the pristine smile you lost. While the dental implant surgery is relatively minor, there are still some aftercare instructions you should follow for the best possible results. Follow these four tips so your dental implant can heal easily and quickly: 1. Don't touch your dental implant. After your dental implant is put in place, you'll be given stitches to encourage your gums to heal where they were cut to accommodate the implant.
How Prosthodontists Help Athletes Stay Healthy
You've worked hard to become a skilled athlete and you're ready to compete at higher levels. Unfortunately, you also suffered from dental damage due to an impact to your mouth and you want to avoid health complications. Thankfully, a prosthodontist can help out in this troubling situation. Athletes Suffer From Many Dental Problems Mouthguards are common in many sports for a reason — they are a critical way of protecting your oral health and ensuring that you don't experience any oral damage.
3 Practical Benefits Of Having A Labial Frenectomy Surgery Performed
You're probably familiar with the tissue that connects your upper gums to your upper lips. This muscular tissue is called the labial frenum. It's natural, but it isn't always needed. In fact, there are several situations when you would benefit from having it removed. This procedure is known as a labial frenectomy, and having it performed benefits you in the following ways. 1. Helps With Oral Discomfort There are those who actually experience discomfort with their frenum.