Think You Have To Extract That "Bad Tooth"? 2 Facts About Tooth Restoration That May Change Your Mind
If you have neglected visiting the dentist for years and think you have a very "bad tooth," then you may think that having it extracted is your only option. While you have likely heard of root canals, you may think that after a dentist removes the pulp of your tooth during this procedure, you won't have enough tooth structure left to anchor a crown to. However, you may not realize just how many tools dentists have when restoring teeth that often help them repair even those that just look irreparable.
Missing Teeth: Why Dental Implants Are Ideal
When someone is missing a few front teeth, it can cause him or her to develop low self-esteem and stop smiling. Thankfully, modern technology has made it possible for dentists to perform a dental implant procedure for missing teeth. The perk of dental implants is that they are artificial, but they will look no different than your natural teeth. You will be happy that you underwent the surgical procedure for dental implants if you decide to get them, as they can give you fast results.
Benefits Of Choosing A Bridge Over An Implant
If you have a missing tooth, it is important that you choose a tooth replacement option. This keeps your other teeth from shifting and makes it easier to have proper chewing function. Two of the more popular tooth replacement options are getting a dental bridge or a dental implant. Here are some reasons you might want to choose a dental bridge. You Will Spend Less Money One of the top benefits of choosing a dental bridge over an implant is the fact that you will likely spend less money.
How To Win Against The Battle Against Cavities - What To Avoid Between Dentist Appointments
Cavities happen, but it can be very disheartening to need to have another one filled after you have made it your personal mission to stop them from forming. Regular brushing and fluoride treatments go only so far when you make you mouth a warm an inviting place for cavities to take hold. For those who have not been able to figure out why cavities keep forming, here's a few quick tips that might be the ultimate answer to your dental woes.
Currently Pregnant? What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening
If you're currently pregnant, you may not be feeling like you look your best. When you are looking for ways to improve your looks, you may be thinking about starting with your teeth. You figure it's the one area that can be improved on with minimal risks, and that a pearly white smile will be sure to impress others. However, you need to know the risk of this type of procedure while pregnant, however small they may be.