Fighting Dental Disease: Learn More About It Here

Fighting Dental Disease: Learn More About It Here

  • Understanding Potential Allergic Reactions To Titanium Dental Implants

    Dental implants are in most cases a highly successful procedure, with an implant survival rate of about 92 percent over a period of seven years. But while most dental implant patients recover from their installation without issues, some do experience complications, including allergic reactions to the metals in the implant. The symptoms of these allergies can be subtle and emerge years after the implant is installed, meaning both you and your dentist will need to be prepared to recognize the signs.

  • 3 Common Food Items That Whiten Your Teeth

    Although many different commercial products are made to help remove dental discoloration, you may prefer a natural approach. Here are several common food items that can help whiten your teeth: Coconut Oil Coconut oil, which is a natural oil derived from coconuts, is usually a solid around room temperature. As a result, the oil is easy to manipulate for dental purposes. You can place a small scoop of the solid oil onto your toothbrush to clean and whiten your teeth.

  • About Me

    Fighting Dental Disease: Learn More About It Here

    Up until a year ago, I did my best to keep my teeth and gums clean. But after securing a new job, I began to work late into the night and didn't have the time or energy to brush and floss before I retired to bed. My busy schedule and poor dental hygiene finally affected my teeth and gums. After experiencing severe pain in several of my teeth, I made an appointment with my dentist. My dentist examined my mouth and discovered three large cavities in my molars. After four long weeks, my dentist finally completed my dental work. I learned a very painful lesson during that time. No matter how busy you are, always brush and floss. I started this blog to inform other people about the importance of good dental care. I hope you find the time to read it. Thanks for visiting.